Currently Centrium has two options to import Contacts - from Excel file (xlsx) and CSV file with different formats.

To import your contacts go to contact list tab and follow those steps:

1) From the actions menu pick "Import".

You will see a page with multiple import type options. Please pick the correct file format (.csv or .xlsx import), or pick one of the presets for popular applications (like import from Outlook file format).

2) Upload the file you want to import data from.

3) Match Centrium data fields to columns from your file.

Pick the data type for each column from your file. If you picked a preset in step 1, some of the columns will be already mapped for you. Pick the remaining columns, make sure that

you have selected Centrium fields for all the data columns you want to imort.

Using the arrows ("<" and ">" ) above the columns you can navigate the example data we picked from your import file to make sure your import setup is correct.

In case you notice that not all columns are displayed correctly (or there is only one column), or your data is not readable, please change the file 

format settings by clicking "change file format settings"

You need to pick at least First and Last name fields, or Company name field to proceed.

After you proceed, Centrium will process the uploaded file using your import settings (this might take a minute, please be patient) and you will see a summary of the import - the number of correct contacts that 

will be imported (companies and people) and if there are any validation error - Centrium will display them ( first 100 errors).

You will be asked to either change import settings, or if you are with the results, import all correct data ignoring rows with errors.

4) The import process runs in background, you will be notified when it finishes.

5) Check the imported data.

After the import process finishes, you will see an additional filter on your contacts list which will allow you to display the recently imported contacts. If you notice any errors, or want to try again with different setup,

you can always rollback your import. To do so, click the 'cog' icon on the recent imports filter (on contacts list), and then on the recent imports page, click the recycle bin icon to start the rollback process. 

The import will be reverted, and you can try again with different settings.